Dragon's Thoughts

Locations to change passwords for Financial Institutions


Crooks love to be able access Bank or Building Society infomration so that they can steal directly from your account. Many banks do not cover you for losses due to this type of fraud as they thieves will appear to be using your credentails, and the banks may insist that you prove that you didn't give the information to someone. The criminal in this case could even be a former partner or spouse whom you once trusted.

Where possible, you should also enable 2 factor authentication as this provides an additional level of security if passwords have been stolen. Since most 2 Factor Authentications systems rely on an authenticator app or contacting your phone or email, it is essential that you have more than one device that you can use for authentication. This protects you whether your authentication device is stolen or just dies.

Most financial institutions in the UK use the same type of card based authentication, so a card reader from one bank can normally be used as a card reader for a different one.

American Express needs this information to reset you password:
  • American Express Card
  • Amex user Id
Coventry Building Society needs this information to reset your password:
  • Your Username
  • The Memorable Word that you set up
  • An up-to-date telephone number already held with them
  • To be able to receive an automated call on that number to confirm it's you
To change your password for Nationwide Building Society in the UK, you can follow these steps:
Log in to your Nationwide online banking account.
  1. Click on the "Manage" tab.
  2. Select "My security".
  3. Click on "View or change my security settings".
  4. Under "Passnumber", click on "Change".
  5. Enter your current passnumber and then enter your new passnumber twice.
  6. Click on "Change".

Your password will be changed successfully.